Microsoft Word 2003
word is a software package. It is a major family member of Microsoft-office
group. It was developed by Microsoft Corporation, U.S.A. and released in 1997, 2000,
2003 & XP respectively. With the help of this program, we can create any
types of document, reports, thesis etc.
How to start Microsoft Word?
1. Click on start button.
2. Select program and click it.
3. Choose Microsoft office.
4. Choose Microsoft word and click it.
1. Click on start button.
2. Choose find/search.
3. Choose for files and folders and click it.
4. Type winword.exe
at the named box and click on find now/search button.
Then Microsoft word icon will appear.
Give double click on it.FILE MENU
Save: This menu option is used to save file.
1. After typing your document, go to file menu.
2. Choose save and click it.
Click on save icon from standard
Press Ctrl + S from keyboard.
3. Then appears a save dialogue box.
4. Type your file name.
5. Click on save button.
New: New option is use to create a new file.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on New.
3. Then appears a new dialogue box.
4. Choose blank screen.
5. Then appears a blank Microsoft word screen.
Press Ctrl + N from keyboard.
Click on New
icon from standard toolbar.
Close: This menu option is use to close file. If there are
no changes, the file will close immediately. If there are unsaved changes
Microsoft word asks if you want to save changes. Choose yes button to save,
choose No button for no, choose Cancel button to cancel a box.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Choose close and click it.
Click on
down close (×) button of the window.
Press Ctrl + W from keyboard.
How to open pre-saved file: Open option is used to open pre-saved file.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Choose open and click it.
Click on
open icon from standard toolbar.
Press Ctrl + O from keyboard.
3. Then appears an open dialogue box.
4. Choose your file which want to open.
5. Click on open button.
Save as: Save as option is used to save same file in different
names and different location and to protect your document.
1. Open your pre-saved file.
2. Go to file menu.
3. Click on save as.
Press F12
from keyboard.
4. Then appears a save as dialogue box.
5. Type your file name and choose different location.
6. Click on save.
Exit: This menu option is used to close Microsoft word program.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on exit.
Click on
upper close (×) button from right corner of the screen.
Press Alt + F4 from keyboard.
Undo: This menu option is used to return previous effect or
1. Go to edit menu.
2. Click on Undo.
Click on
undo icon from standard toolbar.
Press Ctrl + Z from keyboard.
How to copy text:
1. Highlight your text.
2. Click on edit menu choose copy.
Press Ctrl + C from keyboard.
Click on
copy icon from standard toolbar.
Cut and Paste: Cut menu option is used to delete or cut any text or
object and paste option is used to paste the object and text.
1. Highlight your text or object which you want to delete
or cut.
2. Go to edit menu.
Click on cut
icon from standard toolbar.
Press Ctrl + X from keyboard or, just
press delete or, backspace key.
3. Place the cursor point where you want to paste.
4. Then go to edit menu again.
5. Click on paste.
Click on
paste icon from toolbar.
Press Ctrl + V from keyboard.
Select All: This menu option is used to select all documents at
1. Go to edit menu.
2. Click on select all.
Press Ctrl + A from keyboard.
Find: This menu option is used to search any word of
character of the document.
1. Open your file or, type your document.
2. Go to edit menu.
3. Choose find.
Press Ctrl + F from keyboard.
4. Then appears a find dialogue box.
5. Types the word of character at find what criteria.
6. Click on Highlight all items found all.
7. Click on find next button/find all.
Replace: It is used to change the previous word or character
of the document.
1. Open your file.
2. Place the cursor at the initial (Start) line of the
3. Go to edit menu.
4. Click on replace.
Press Ctrl + H from keyboard.
5. Then appears a replace dialogue box.
6. Type the word or characters at find what criteria.
7. Type the word or character at replace with criteria in
which you want to change.
8. Click on replace to replace one by one.
9. Click on replace all to replace all at once.
Go to: Go to option is used to display or, go certain page
of line of the document.
1. Go to edit menu.
2. Choose Go to and click it.
Press Ctrl + G from keyboard.
3. Then appears a dialogue box.
4. Type your page.
5. Click on go to button.
Split cell: This menu option is used to divide one cell into two
or more cell.
Split window: This menu option is used to split (divided) screen.
Note: Before
printing your document, you have to see in print preview.
Break: This menu option is used to break page, column of the
1. Place the cursor point where you want to break page.
2. Go to insert menu.
3. Click on break.
4. Choose page break to break page.
5. Choose column to break column.
6. Click ok button.
Press Ctrl + enter key from keyboard.
Page Number: It helps to insert page number to the document.
1. Go to insert menu.
2. Select insert page numbering.
3. Then appears an insert page numbering dialogue box.
4. Select the position and to set required position top
and bottom.
5. Select the alignment where you want to insert page
number left, right and center.
6. If you want to change the style of the page number
then click at format button.
7. Choose any one page no. style from format criteria.
8. Select ok.
To remove page number:
1. Double click on page number.
2. Then select or, Highlight the page number and press
delete key.
Date and Time: We can insert date and time to the current document.
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert date and
2. Go to insert menu.
3. Choose date and time and click it.
4. Then appears date and time dialogue box.
5. Choose any one format as you like.
6. Click on ok.
Symbol: It helps you to insert different types of symbol to
the document.
1. Place the cursor point where you want to insert
2. Go to the insert menu.
3. Select symbol and click it.
4. Then appears a symbol dialogue box.
5. Select any one symbol as you like.
6. Click on insert button.
7. If you want to search other more symbols then you
change font style from font criteria.
Auto Text: It helps to insert word, picture, graphics, etc.
which you frequently use into your document and typing same text again and
1. Select the text you want to remember.
2. On the insert menu, move your menu select to auto text
option and click on auto text tab.
3. Type names of the text that you’ve selected in enter
auto text entire here box.
4. And then click add.
Auto shapes: It helps you to insert automatic shapes in your
current document.
1. Go to insert menu.
2. Select picture.
3. Click on auto shapes.
4. Then appears an auto shapes toolbar.
5. You can insert any one shape, as you like by the help
of mouse.
6. After choosing auto shapes, you have to drag mouse
pointer on screen to create a shape.
7. You can increase or decrease shape by using mouse.
8. You can copy, move and cut it.
Using Drawing Toolbar: You can use drawing toolbar to draw different types
of drawing object such as line, box, circle, curve, etc.
1. Click on view menu.
2. Select toolbars and click on the drawing.
Grouping Objects: The group command is used to join the drawing
objects. So, that you can move /copy /remove them once.
1. Click on each object by holding down the shift key.
2. Right click on the selected objects.
3. Point on Grouping and then click on group.
Ungrouping Objects: The ungroup command disconnects the grouped objects.
1. Right click on the drawing objects.
2. Point in Grouping and then click on ungroup.
Insert Picture: We can insert (Add) picture in gallery to the required
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert picture.
2. Click on insert menu.
3. Select picture and click on clip art. Then again click
on organize clip in task pane.
4. Then click on office collection.
5. Select any one option like Academic, Animals, etc.
Then select object and do copy and paste.
Insert picture from file:
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert picture.
2. Go to insert menu.
3. Choose picture and click on from files.
4. Then appear from file dialogue box.
5. Choose folder where picture file.
6. Choose picture, which you want to insert.
7. Click on insert and click ok button.
Insert word Art: It helps to design the required text; word 2003 has
two types of word art. This is a new facility of word.
1. Go to insert menu.
2. Select picture.
3. Select word art or click on word art icon from drawing
4. Then appears dialogue box with “Your text here”.
5. Type your required text.
6. You can set size style like Bold/Italic and font.
7. Click on ok when finished.
1. We can change the font name size, effect style by Go
to format menu.
2. Select font.
3. Then appear font box.
4. Choose font name to change font.
5. Choose font style like as bold/Italic.
6. Select size as required.
7. Choose effect like Super scrip/Sub scrip.
8. Choose color from color criteria.
9. Choose underline to set required underline.
10. Choose animation
to set required animation criteria.
11 Click on ok when
finished all setting.
Bullet and Numbering:
1. Go to format menu.
2. Click on bullet and numbering.
3. Then appear dialogue box.
4. Choose bullet tab top row of dialogue box.
5. Select ok and type the text then press enters key.
6. Select number tab from top row of dialogue box to set
number in document.
7. Choose any one number style.
8. Select ok.
9. If you want change bullet and number style, click on
customize then choose anyone style.
Borders and Shading: It is used to set borders style fill shading to the
required page & required text.
1. Select required text to set border and shading.
2. Go to format menu.
3. Select border and shading.
4. Then appear dialogue box.
5. Choose border from top row of dialogue box to set
6. Choose anyone style as you like box.
7. Select color, as you like.
8. Choose page border from top row of dialogue box to set
Page border.
9. Select anyone page border style as you like.
If you want to
Art border select Art border and choose anyone you can see effect in preview.
You can set
border size.
Select shading to
set shading from top of the dialogue box.
Click on ok when
Columns: This menu option is used to define column to the
document we can change design document in column layout.
1. Go to format menu.
2. Select column and click on it.
3. Then appear column dialogue box.
4. Choose anyone column style as you like or type the
required column number at number of column.
Click on column icon from standard toolbar.
5. Choose space between columns as you like.
6. Click at line between to display line between two
7. When finished at setting click on ok.
8. You can type text in column format.
9. If you want to jump in column then you break column.
Press Shift + Ctrl + Enter key.
Drop cap: This menu option is used to design in the document.
It helps to give big capital of the initial (Start) letter of the document.
1. Type or open your file document.
2. Select the first character.
3. Go to format menu.
4. Select Drop cap.
5. Then appear Drop cap dialogue box.
6. Choose anyone drop cap box style.
7. Select the required line to drop line criteria.
8. Select the margin of the drop cap text from space.
9. Select the font as you like.
Select ok.
Paragraph: It is used to set paragraph format on the current
1. Go to format menu.
2. Select Paragraph.
3. Then display paragraph box.
4. Change spacing criteria text the required parameters.
5. Select line spacing type from line spacing criteria.
6. If you want to set text then type number parameter at
left, right.
7. First line as the before and after criteria.
8. When finished all setting you click at ok button.
Two line spacing from keyboard:
1. Ctrl + 1 Single line
2. Ctrl + 2 Double line
3. Ctrl + 5 1 line spaces.
4. Ctrl + L Left side.
5. Ctrl + R Right side.
6. Ctrl + E Center.
7. Ctrl + J Justify.
Change Case: This menu option is used to change the character case
as like upper case (Capital) or lower case (Small).
1. Select the required text.
2. Go to format menu and click it.
3. Select change case and click it.
4. Then appear change case dialogue box.
5. Choose upper case to capital letter.
6. Choose lower case to normal letter.
7. Choose toggle case to give toggle letter.
8. Choose title case to give first letter capital into
title case.
9. Choose sentence case to give first letter capital
Click on ok.
Tab setting: This menu option is used to set tab in required text
of the document.
1. Go to format menu.
2. Select tab and click on it.
3. Then appear tab dialogue box.
4. Type the required number at tab stop position.
5. Click at set to setting tab.
6. Click on ok.
7. If you want clear or clear all then you click at clear
all button.
Text direction: It is used to display required word in different direction.
1. Create text box and type the required text.
2. Go to format menu.
3. Select text direction and click on it.
4. Then appear dialogue box.
5. Choose any style as you like.
6. Click at ok.
Background: It is used to fill background effect on the document.
1. Click at format menu.
2. Click at background.
3. Click at require color.
To remove background:
1. Click format menu.
2. Click at background.
3. Click at No fill.
Tools Menu
Spelling and Grammar: This menu option is used to check spelling to the document.
1. Place the cursor at beginning of the document, which
is wanted to check spelling and grammar.
2. Go to tools menu.
3. Click on
spelling and grammar.
Press F7
from keyboard.
Click on spelling icon (ABC) from toolbar.
4. Then appear dialogue box.
5. Choose suggestion, which is correct.
6. Click at change to change word in mistake word of the
7. Click on change all for change all matching word,
which is mistake.
8. If you want to skip click on ignore.
9. If you want skip all matching word, click at ignore
Click on close to
close dialogue box.a
Thesaurus: This option is used to display antonym and synonym on
the screen. We can add that kind word in the document.
1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the document or
which you want to thesaurus word.
2. Go to tools menu.
3. Select language and click on thesaurus.
4. Then display dialogue box.
5. Computer will display word and meaning criteria.
6. Click at look up to see antonym and synonym word.
7. Select word, as you like.
Protect document: It helps to protect your document, after protecting
your document can’t change and replace, copy, past, cut, etc.
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Click on protect document.
3. Click on Allow only this type of editing in the
4. Click on Yes, start enforcing protection.
5. Type the same password two time and click on ok.
Unprotect document:
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Click on unprotect document.
3. Type your password.
4. Click on ok.
Mail merge: This menu option is used for sending same letter in
different address. It is most important function of word processing. We can
merge a letter format in different address.
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Select letters and mailing and click on Mail merge.
3. Click on letters and click on Next.
4. Click on Use the current document and click on Next.
5. Click on Type a new list and Click on Create.
6. Click on Next.
7. Choose your option which you want.
8. Click on New entry for more.
9. Click on Close and give the file name.
Click on save.
Click on Next.
Click on More
items and choose your option.
Click on Next.
Again Click on
Click on Edit
individual letters.
Click on All and
click on ok.
Envelope and labels: This is used to maintain label and prepare envelope
address. We can print envelope and label directly. We can also add to the
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Select letters and mailing and click on envelope and
3. Then display dialogue box.
4. Select envelop tab from top row of dialogue box.
5. Type the address at delivery and return address
6. If you want to change option size of envelope then
click at option.
7. Select any one envelope size.
8. If you want to set or prepare label click on label
from top row of the dialogue box.
9. Type the label address at label address criteria.
If you want to
change setting then click at option.
Choose size and
other setting.
Select ok.
Click at print
tab to print.
If you want to
print in full page option and click print full.
If you want to
insert into the document, then click at add to document.
Click at ok when
Hyphenation: This option is used to set hyphenation on the current
1. Go to tools menu and select language.
2. Click on hyphenation.
3. Then display hyphenation dialogue box.
4. Click at automatic hyphenation to setting automatic to
the document.
5. Click on ok.
Macro: We can set information
to the any individual key and tool. We can create shortcut key of the any information.
This process is called macro setting.
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Select macro and click on Record New macro.
3. Then display macro dialogue box.
4. Click on keyboard to set keyboard macro.
5. Type the shortcut key at shortcut criteria. E.g.:
6. Click on assign.
7. Click on close.
8. Type the information which you want to set.
9. Click on stop recording tool which is display on the
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Select macro and click on Stop recording.
3. Now press shortcut key Ctrl+1 to run macro information
which you typed already.
To remove macro:
1. Go to tools menu.
2. Select macro and click on Macros.
3. Click on delete.
4. Click on close.
Table: Table helps you organize complex column information
word table consists of horizontal rows and vertical columns you can type
number, graphics, etc into cells.
1. Go to table menu.
2. Select insert table.
3. Click on table.
4. Then appear table dialogue box.
5. Type required number of columns & rows.
6. Click on ok from dialogue box to close.
To add printable table:
1. Create the table.
2. Highlight the table.
3. Click on format menu.
4. Click on border and shading.
5. Click on border style to add.
6. Click on ok.
Merge Cell: This menu is used to combine two or more cell.
1. Select the cell.
2. Go to table menu.
3. Click on merge cell.
1. Select cell.
2. Go to table menu.
3. Click on split cell.
4. Then appear split cell dialogue box.
5. Type the number of column or row.
6. Click on ok.
Draw Table: We can draw table by dragging mouse it is a new
facility of the word 2003.
1. Go to table menu.
2. Click on draw table.
3. Drag the mouse as you like.
4. Drag vertically and horizontally to built row or
Insert Column:
1. Go to table menu.
2. Click on insert.
3. Click on column to left to insert left side.
4. Click on column to right to insert right side.
Insert Row:
1. Go to table menu.
2. Click on insert.
3. Click on rows above to insert topside.
4. Click on rows down to insert button side.
Delete Column:
1. Go to table menu.
2. Select delete.
3. Click on column.
Delete Row:
1. Go to table menu.
2. Select delete.
3. Click on row.
Delete Cell:
1. Place the cursor required cell.
2. Go to table menu.
3. Select delete.
4. Click on cell.
5. Click on shift cell left.
6. Click on shift cell up.
7. Click on delete entire row.
8. Click on delete entire column.
9. Click on ok.
Formula: This command used to calculate the amount of the table
1. Place the cursor at required.
2. Go to table menu.
3. Click on formula, then display formula dialogue box.
4. Type your formula at formula criteria like as =c2*d2,
=c2+d2, =c2-d2, =sum(e2:e5) etc.
5. Click on ok.
1. Amount of each cell.
2. Difference between the rate of rice and salt.
3. Grand total amount of all items.
1. Go to window menu.
2. Click on split and drag the mouse pointer.
To remove split:
1. Go to window menu.
2. Click on remove split.
Page setup: This option is used to define margins, paper size, on
orientations paper source and layout.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on page setup.
3. Then appear page setup dialogue box.
4. Select margin button from top of the dialogue box to
set left, right, top and button, header and footer to set left, right, top.
Select paper size tab from top row size as you like

6. Choose landscape or portrait.
7. When finished setting then click on ok.
Print preview: Through this print process you can see your document
output on screen. What ever display on this preview that will be output on the
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on print preview.
1. Click on print preview icon from standard toolbar.
2. Click on close button to exit print preview screen.
Print: This menu option is used to print out your document
from printer. After setting margin top, left, right, button paper size you can
print out that document from printer to give this option.
1. Go to file menu.
2. Click on print.
Press Ctrl + P from keyboard.
3. Then appear print dialogue box.
4. You choose printer and to set required printer.
5. Select all to print all documents.
6. Select page (range) to type the range to page. E.g.:
1-5 or 1, 3, 5.
7. Select current page to print the only one page, which
is display on the screen.
8. When finished all setting click on ok.
adobe photoshop cs6 extadnaded in Nepali Language
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